Wednesday, June 15, 2011


14 days until my due date!  Shane's movements have really slowed down, but then again, he IS running out of room.  I feel really good and Shane has been exceptionally kind to me. 
I had my 38-week appt this morning.  Gained least I was expecting that.  Shane's heart rate was 132.  I am at 1cm and STILL not effaced at all.  Sigh.  BUT, then my doctor shocked me by saying that he wanted to go ahead and schedule my induction for next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!  There is a catch, of course.  I see my doctor again on Tuesday and if my cervix has not progressed at all we are canceling that induction.  We would reschedule it for the 29th (his due date).  So far my dilation has improved, albeit at a snail's pace, but it at least has changed in 1 week.  My effacement has not changed at all for 2 weeks.  Seeing as how I was more progressed with Avery and then stalled at week 39 with her...I am hoping Shane is the opposite.  PLEASE.  He hasn't made much of a move so far, so maybe this will be the week he actually thins that cervix out!  PLEASE!!!  I was not EVER expecting to have him so early, but now that I know it's a possibility and that I have ZERO control over it...I'm freaking out.  I am so excited, but also thinking about next Tuesday.  If I am STILL not effaced, I know canceling that induction is the right thing to do, but it will be disappointing.  Either way, 1-2 weeks left TOPS.  And looks like Shane will definitely be a June baby!  YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

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