Wednesday, June 1, 2011


4 more weeks left and this is my last week as "pre-term"!  This week has been very uncomfortable.  I have had a plethora of Braxton Hicks contractions, very painful, lots of constipation and Shane feels like he is trying to headbutt his way out of there.  I also now agree with others.  I am big and I look like I should give birth this week...sigh.
I had my 36-week appt today, it was VERY short.  There was a trace of protein in my urine, but what do you expect when I eat a whole Rice Krispies bar before my appt?  Blood pressure was good.  Weight was TERRIBLE!  I gained 6 pounds between 6am-2pm.  WTH???  And am now 8 pounds away from my scary weight:(  Shane's heartrate was 136, now he's slow like a boy!  Saw my doctor, he measured me and asked how big Avery was at birth.  I told him 7lbs 14oz and he said, "I know I'm not doing a vaginal check, but this is his butt right here (above my belly button), and he's at least 8lbs."  Great.  And my vaginal checks start next week.  Oh and I am Group B Strep negative and HIV negative.

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