Saturday, June 25, 2011

32 19-Months 1st full day

Happy birthday to me.  I am officially 32 years old today.  And how am I spending part of my birthday?  At a hospital with Shane...sigh.  His billirubin levels are high, so the pediatrician at our hospital wanted us to get his levels checked. 
Shane's appt went really well.  He does not  have jaundice.  And the doctor was great today.  She helped me A LOT with breastfeeding.  She told me that bigger babies lose more weight because of all the fluids they pump in the moms during delivery.  And I know this sounds weird/creepy, but I got a chance to breastfeed Shane in there with her watching and she was able to help me get him latched correctly.  AND she confirmed that he was latched correctly on the other side.  AND she was able to confirm that my milk came in.  It seriously happened at the appt.  I'm very happy because I was beginning to get worried.
Avery is officially 19-months old.  She has been an amazing big sister so far.  She likes to rock Shane and was pulling his rocker around the nursery with her.
And it's Shane's 1st full day at home.  He has been great so far...eats like a champ!  Milk came in today...Happy Birthday! 
Here are some additional pictures from Shane's birthday...
 Our big boy!

 His face, ears and right side came out bruised from his traumatic entry to the world.

 The 1st time I held my future all star football player

Leaving the hospital

 Shane finally opened his eyes.  They are bloodshot because he had bleeding behind them from his wrestling match with my birth canal.

 Big Sister/Not so Little Brother

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