Today is Shane's due date and he is officially 1-week old today. He is doing great! His eyes are still bloodshot from his birth, and he still has black eyes, but he doesn't seem to be in any pain. Let's see...where to begin.
This week he tested negative for jaundice, thank goodness! He was 10lbs 12oz at birth, 10.3 when we left the hospital and 9.15 on Saturday at our jaundice appt. On Monday, I took him to our pediatrician for the 1st time and he weighed 10.6 and was 22" long. So he is starting to regain his weight and that makes me VERY happy. Our next pedi appt is next week. I think he has his days and nights confused. He sleeps great after feedings during the day and then at night...not so much. Last night he went on a feeding spree for about 3 hours and it was exhausting. He is a little cuddle bug and likes being held:) And his umbilical cord fell off when he was 3 days old.
And on a personal note. I gained 51lbs with Shane. I have lost 22lbs in Week 1. I have 29 more to go to get back to pre-pregnancy weight. Oh and all my rings fit and are in fact a little loose. After Avery, I couldn't wear my rings until she was about 4 months old. Doing much better!
Today we took Avery and Shane to get professional pictures made. Here are the results...
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
32 19-Months 1st full day
Happy birthday to me. I am officially 32 years old today. And how am I spending part of my birthday? At a hospital with Shane...sigh. His billirubin levels are high, so the pediatrician at our hospital wanted us to get his levels checked.
Shane's appt went really well. He does not have jaundice. And the doctor was great today. She helped me A LOT with breastfeeding. She told me that bigger babies lose more weight because of all the fluids they pump in the moms during delivery. And I know this sounds weird/creepy, but I got a chance to breastfeed Shane in there with her watching and she was able to help me get him latched correctly. AND she confirmed that he was latched correctly on the other side. AND she was able to confirm that my milk came in. It seriously happened at the appt. I'm very happy because I was beginning to get worried.
Avery is officially 19-months old. She has been an amazing big sister so far. She likes to rock Shane and was pulling his rocker around the nursery with her.
And it's Shane's 1st full day at home. He has been great so far...eats like a champ! Milk came in today...Happy Birthday!
Here are some additional pictures from Shane's birthday...
Shane finally opened his eyes. They are bloodshot because he had bleeding behind them from his wrestling match with my birth canal.
Shane's appt went really well. He does not have jaundice. And the doctor was great today. She helped me A LOT with breastfeeding. She told me that bigger babies lose more weight because of all the fluids they pump in the moms during delivery. And I know this sounds weird/creepy, but I got a chance to breastfeed Shane in there with her watching and she was able to help me get him latched correctly. AND she confirmed that he was latched correctly on the other side. AND she was able to confirm that my milk came in. It seriously happened at the appt. I'm very happy because I was beginning to get worried.
Avery is officially 19-months old. She has been an amazing big sister so far. She likes to rock Shane and was pulling his rocker around the nursery with her.
And it's Shane's 1st full day at home. He has been great so far...eats like a champ! Milk came in today...Happy Birthday!
Here are some additional pictures from Shane's birthday...
Our big boy!
His face, ears and right side came out bruised from his traumatic entry to the world.
The 1st time I held my future all star football player
Leaving the hospital
Big Sister/Not so Little Brother
Friday, June 24, 2011
Shane is here!
I checked in to the hospital at 6am on Wednesday, June 22, 2011 for my induction. Changed into my gown, answered all the family/medical history questions, gave 5 vials of blood for lab work, got my IV in my arm this time instead of my hand (much better), and the pitocin was started shortly after 6am. My OB was able to break my water 1st try around 7am. I will say this time it was very disgusting. It was coming out for about 2.5 hours! GROSS! Contractions didn't get bad until around 9:15am at which point I asked for the epidural (and someone who knew what they were doing). I got my epidural at 9:30am. It was a better experience than with Avery, but it was still VERY painful. The epi lady told me that my bones were shaped differently and were closer together, so the entrance for the epi was hard to find on me. Explains a lot! I found the whole experience up until the pushing to be so relaxing and better than Avery's. I feel like I had amazing nurses!! I progressed really quickly and needed the oxygen mask because Shane's heart rate started dropping. The nurses told me it was because he went from hanging out in there to almost ready to come out. Skipping Demerol made this experience SO MUCH BETTER! I was completely lucid and able to be in the moment. I started pushing around 11:50am. I got worried, disappointed, confused once I started pushing. Avery came out so easily and in 4 pushes, BOOM. Shane was taking more than that and I was EXHAUSTED! I don't know how women can push for hours and hours!!!! I could tell Chris was stressed, but just shrugged that off as he could see what was happening down there. The next thing I know the nurse is on top of me trying to help push Shane out. He came out at 12:12pm (already my little Aggie). The nurses kept saying, "Wow, this is a big baby." I could tell when they were cleaning him off that he looked absolutely nothing like his sister. He had rolls and looked quite solid. They weighed him....are you ready for this? 10lbs 12oz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I STILL cannot believe what a big boy he is!!! They measured him and he could barely fit in the measuring tub. He was 21.5". And he got 2 9's on the Apgar scale. This is including being a WEEK EARLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After knowing everything was OK, then it was the scary part. My OB told me that he had shoulder dystocia. His head was out for 3.5 minutes before they could dislodge his shoulders. Then once his shoulders were dislodged, his hips got stuck too. My OB told me that if he knew how big Shane was going to be, he would have made me get a C-section.
After birthing an almost 11-pounder vaginally, THANK YOU EPIDURAL, I found the whole experience SO much better than with Avery. With Avery, as soon as she came out they had me get up and go to the bathroom. With Shane, they let me rest in bed for a while and brought me a Dr. Pepper and some food. MUCH BETTER!
Shockingly, I am in LESS pain (so far) than I was with Avery. I don't know if the drugs are better or if it's because I'm experienced, less stressed, I don't know? My biggest problem (that I can tell) is my hemorrhoid. It's the size of TX, but so is Shane, so I guess that's to be expected. Shane is an AMAZING baby. He sleeps and nurses like a champ. I could not ask for a better baby! AND he likes cuddling with me, I love him SO, SO, SO much! Avery did get to see her not so little brother on the 22nd. She was great with him. Very curious, but was more interested in looking out the window and playing with my MIL. It's completely shocking to me how different they look. Avery is so fair and is definitely my child. Shane is olive complected and HUGE, definitely from the Jones side!
My OB came and visited with us on the 23rd. He mentioned again that had he known how big Shane was going to be, he would have sectioned me. And then he said sometimes with shoulder dystocia, their arms can be paralyzed, their heads can get stuck and he has to shove the head back in and do an emergency C-section, etc. I feel incredibly lucky that Shane is 100% healthy! And for the record, I am WAY too little to birth an 11-pounder and have officially earned my bragging rights which will continue all of Shane's life. And also for the record, if there was ever any doubt, we are DEFINITELY done having children after this experience!!! I do not want to risk having another 11-pounder!
I will say that Shane is a much better sleeper than his sister was in the hospital. The 2nd night with Avery was awful. She cried the whole time and we eventually sent her down to the nursery so we could get some sleep. Shane, he's amazing, what can I say? BUT his problem was his blood sugar. When you have a big baby, they test their blood sugar and they have to "pass" 4 times. Shane would pass 3X and then fail the 4th. Then they would have to start all over. Keep in mind that each test was a foot prick for my poor
baby:( They kept telling us that if he failed 1 more time, he would have to go to the NICU. Can you imagine what he would look like next to those preemies???????? He did finally pass, thank you Jesus! But then he tested high for jaundice. His labs so far seem normal with that and he doesn't look jaundiced. BUT he did have bruising on his face, ear and right side of his body from his traumatic entry to the world.
We are bringing Shane home today, the 24th. Best Birthday present ever!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
39-Week Appt
Had a very interesting doctor's appt this morning. I am 2cm, 40% effaced and Shane is at -3 station. Definite improvement! Thank you Evening Primrose Oil. But my OB was in a grumpy mood and was kind of an ass today. Here's how the conversation went:
OB: Do you want to be induced tomorrow?
Me: Yes?
OB: OK, we will start the pit and if he doesn't move down enough for me to break your water, we are taking everything off, sending you home and trying again next week.
Me: Should I wait until next week to get induced?
OB: How long have you known me?
Me: Ummmm?
OB: Do I manipulate people?
Me: Yes?
OB: No I don't
Then he made his little notes, he did tell me I have medical reasons and a favorable cervix for getting induced. But I kind of needed more confidence from him.
Then when I was leaving his office he asked me:
"If he doesn't move down and I can't break your water, do you want to go home and try again next week? Or have a C-section?"
I said, "Go home."
He said, "Good/correct answer"
UMMMMMMMMMMMMM...WTF?! In my defense, the day before I got induced with Avery I was between a 2-3, 50% effaced and she was at -3 station. He didn't give me any of this crap with her. Now instead of feeling overjoyed, I am petrified that he won't be able to break my water. SO, to make a long story short, please pray for me. Send me some positive energy/thoughts/vibes. I go in tomorrow at 6am CST.
And I cannot wait to meet Shane...oh and he is guessing between 8 and 8 1/2 lbs. Avery was 7lbs 14oz. So, I guess we will see! And I ended up 1-pound under my scary weight...WOOT!
I also packed my bag tonight. I CANNOT believe this is over. I'm excited, scared, nervous and it doesn't feel real yet. I feel like a 1st timer all over again!
OB: Do you want to be induced tomorrow?
Me: Yes?
OB: OK, we will start the pit and if he doesn't move down enough for me to break your water, we are taking everything off, sending you home and trying again next week.
Me: Should I wait until next week to get induced?
OB: How long have you known me?
Me: Ummmm?
OB: Do I manipulate people?
Me: Yes?
OB: No I don't
Then he made his little notes, he did tell me I have medical reasons and a favorable cervix for getting induced. But I kind of needed more confidence from him.
Then when I was leaving his office he asked me:
"If he doesn't move down and I can't break your water, do you want to go home and try again next week? Or have a C-section?"
I said, "Go home."
He said, "Good/correct answer"
UMMMMMMMMMMMMM...WTF?! In my defense, the day before I got induced with Avery I was between a 2-3, 50% effaced and she was at -3 station. He didn't give me any of this crap with her. Now instead of feeling overjoyed, I am petrified that he won't be able to break my water. SO, to make a long story short, please pray for me. Send me some positive energy/thoughts/vibes. I go in tomorrow at 6am CST.
And I cannot wait to meet Shane...oh and he is guessing between 8 and 8 1/2 lbs. Avery was 7lbs 14oz. So, I guess we will see! And I ended up 1-pound under my scary weight...WOOT!
I also packed my bag tonight. I CANNOT believe this is over. I'm excited, scared, nervous and it doesn't feel real yet. I feel like a 1st timer all over again!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
14 days until my due date! Shane's movements have really slowed down, but then again, he IS running out of room. I feel really good and Shane has been exceptionally kind to me.
I had my 38-week appt this morning. Gained least I was expecting that. Shane's heart rate was 132. I am at 1cm and STILL not effaced at all. Sigh. BUT, then my doctor shocked me by saying that he wanted to go ahead and schedule my induction for next week!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is a catch, of course. I see my doctor again on Tuesday and if my cervix has not progressed at all we are canceling that induction. We would reschedule it for the 29th (his due date). So far my dilation has improved, albeit at a snail's pace, but it at least has changed in 1 week. My effacement has not changed at all for 2 weeks. Seeing as how I was more progressed with Avery and then stalled at week 39 with her...I am hoping Shane is the opposite. PLEASE. He hasn't made much of a move so far, so maybe this will be the week he actually thins that cervix out! PLEASE!!! I was not EVER expecting to have him so early, but now that I know it's a possibility and that I have ZERO control over it...I'm freaking out. I am so excited, but also thinking about next Tuesday. If I am STILL not effaced, I know canceling that induction is the right thing to do, but it will be disappointing. Either way, 1-2 weeks left TOPS. And looks like Shane will definitely be a June baby! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had my 38-week appt this morning. Gained least I was expecting that. Shane's heart rate was 132. I am at 1cm and STILL not effaced at all. Sigh. BUT, then my doctor shocked me by saying that he wanted to go ahead and schedule my induction for next week!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is a catch, of course. I see my doctor again on Tuesday and if my cervix has not progressed at all we are canceling that induction. We would reschedule it for the 29th (his due date). So far my dilation has improved, albeit at a snail's pace, but it at least has changed in 1 week. My effacement has not changed at all for 2 weeks. Seeing as how I was more progressed with Avery and then stalled at week 39 with her...I am hoping Shane is the opposite. PLEASE. He hasn't made much of a move so far, so maybe this will be the week he actually thins that cervix out! PLEASE!!! I was not EVER expecting to have him so early, but now that I know it's a possibility and that I have ZERO control over it...I'm freaking out. I am so excited, but also thinking about next Tuesday. If I am STILL not effaced, I know canceling that induction is the right thing to do, but it will be disappointing. Either way, 1-2 weeks left TOPS. And looks like Shane will definitely be a June baby! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
I am officially full term now! All my apps remind me that Shane could be born today and be 100% healthy and around 6lbs. It's a little depressing because I suspect I will go late AGAIN and have to be induced AGAIN. I have been uncomfortable, but no where near as bad as with Avery. Shane has been very kind to me EXCEPT for the extra stretch marks...thanks buddy.
I had my 37-week appt today and my 1st cervical check. I didn't gain any weight this week which is SHOCKING! I thought for sure I was in for 2-4 pounds. And why oh why does my nurse always have to mention my weight?? Even when I don't gain any weight, she mentions, "oh good, you didn't gain any weight". Why does she feel the need to comment? Today she said her usual, "Oh good, you didn't gain any weight because last time you gained a lot". Thanks for the reminder.
Then she just had to tell me, "I hope that we don't see you next week and that you go into labor". I said, "even if my 1st baby was late?" To which she responded, "oh, they normally follow the same pattern, so no". SIGH. Why does it feel like everyone in the world has their baby early AND they go into labor on their own???????????????????????????
Then I saw my OB and I am a fingertip dilated, not effaced at all ("Nice and long"), and he is head down, but not in a station yet. Although my OB could feel his head...that has to be a good sign, right? He guessed 8lbs for his delivery weight...I WISH! Oh and his heart rate was 126...he's slowing down.
The good news is that I have a really calm, patient, zen-like attitude toward this. I was further progressed all the way around with Avery, but you know what? She was late. So, I feel OK. I am uncomfortable, but not completely miserable. I think my calm attitude is because I knew to expect going late because Avery was late AND because I am scared about having 2 kids. I know how easy I have it with Avery right now and know the next few months will be HARD, challenging and VERY different. AND this is my last pregnancy, and I'm sticking to my original story about wanting to enjoy every moment. I do not believe my OB will let me go past 1-week overdue, so 3-4 weeks TOPS left. It is going to go by SO fast. AND I learned from my experience with Avery because I was in such a hurry to have her...they will come when they are ready, and it goes by SO fast!!!! He will be here before I know it! I'm going to try to keep this attitude throughout my cervical checks and the remaining weeks. I know that things are going to get way more uncomfortable and I will be miserable eventually...I just need to stay focused on the big picture:)
Here are my 37-week pictures...
I had my 37-week appt today and my 1st cervical check. I didn't gain any weight this week which is SHOCKING! I thought for sure I was in for 2-4 pounds. And why oh why does my nurse always have to mention my weight?? Even when I don't gain any weight, she mentions, "oh good, you didn't gain any weight". Why does she feel the need to comment? Today she said her usual, "Oh good, you didn't gain any weight because last time you gained a lot". Thanks for the reminder.
Then she just had to tell me, "I hope that we don't see you next week and that you go into labor". I said, "even if my 1st baby was late?" To which she responded, "oh, they normally follow the same pattern, so no". SIGH. Why does it feel like everyone in the world has their baby early AND they go into labor on their own???????????????????????????
Then I saw my OB and I am a fingertip dilated, not effaced at all ("Nice and long"), and he is head down, but not in a station yet. Although my OB could feel his head...that has to be a good sign, right? He guessed 8lbs for his delivery weight...I WISH! Oh and his heart rate was 126...he's slowing down.
The good news is that I have a really calm, patient, zen-like attitude toward this. I was further progressed all the way around with Avery, but you know what? She was late. So, I feel OK. I am uncomfortable, but not completely miserable. I think my calm attitude is because I knew to expect going late because Avery was late AND because I am scared about having 2 kids. I know how easy I have it with Avery right now and know the next few months will be HARD, challenging and VERY different. AND this is my last pregnancy, and I'm sticking to my original story about wanting to enjoy every moment. I do not believe my OB will let me go past 1-week overdue, so 3-4 weeks TOPS left. It is going to go by SO fast. AND I learned from my experience with Avery because I was in such a hurry to have her...they will come when they are ready, and it goes by SO fast!!!! He will be here before I know it! I'm going to try to keep this attitude throughout my cervical checks and the remaining weeks. I know that things are going to get way more uncomfortable and I will be miserable eventually...I just need to stay focused on the big picture:)
Here are my 37-week pictures...
Saturday, June 4, 2011
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