Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

Avery's Christmas Eve dress

Mommy & Avery on Christmas Eve

I know what this is!

Let me help you!

Christmas morning:)

Princess ball bounce house

The shoes mommy got her

Her giraffe

Trying to figure out what this dress is

Zany Zoo, love this gift!

Not the best picture, but her dress is so cute!
Christmas Eve was spent in Rockwall with the Jones side of the family.  Avery got her Laugh n Learn door that she loves!  She also got the cutest boots!  Christmas morning we spent playing Santa at our house.  Avery got a Princess ball jump house and a giraffe that you put balls in its mouth and they go around and around until they reach the bottom.  She loved both of those gifts.  I also got her some pretty white shoes that she was able to wear today, size 5...I can't believe how big she's getting.  Christmas afternoon was spent at my parents house.  Avery got her Zany Zoo cube, some sleepers that are adorable, a rolling horse, a tea set, and some books.  I got my new laptop, YAY!!!  And we ate a lot!!!!  Avery has been absolutely adorable playing with all of her toys.  She has been a busy little baby!

1 comment:

  1. Size 5 shoe??? OMG! Anara is a size 5 still. Anara is really tall (wearing 3T) but has the smallest feet.


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