Wednesday, December 8, 2010

11-weeks Pregnant

I am officially 11-completed weeks today...yay!  Mood:  sad, struggling, strong and doing better by the end of the week.  Energy:  started out exhausted, then got really good.  Appetite:  started out hungry, needed to eat every hour, then went back to normal.  Cravings:  Enchiladas, cantaloupe with yogurt, watermelon, Chick-Fil-A.  Morning sickness:  started out bad, then went away completely.
LB is the size of a lime.  "This week your baby is officially developed enough to be called a fetus.  The good news is that the critical part of your baby's organ system development is over.  Your baby will grow very rapidly and will double in size by next week.  On your baby's head, the ears are moving to the side of the head.  Reproductive organs are becoming more distinguished."

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