Thursday, December 2, 2010

10-completed weeks

Yesterday, I was 10-completed weeks...only 30 more to go. Mood: like a roller coaster, most of the time I am sad, but there are times where I am good. Energy: Same as mood, moments where it is good, moments where I am really tired! Appetite: normal to increased. I am having to eat every hour or so to keep the sickness at bay. Cravings: fruit, apples, cantaloupe. Morning sickness: in waves.
LB is the size of a prune this week. "The 10th week marks the beginning of a critical period in your baby's development when all the vital organs have formed and are beginning to function. Your baby is growing tiny nails on the fingers and toes as well as tiny buds for teeth.
I also took the Intelligender test this morning. I took it 2X with Avery and it was right both times. This morning it was definitely clear and easy to read again. Only this time it says BOY.

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