Wednesday, December 29, 2010

14-Weeks Pregnant

Today marks 14-completed weeks.  This week my overall mood has been:  good.  Energy:  good, normal, moments of extreme exhaustion.  Appetite: increased.  Morning sickness:  none!  Cravings:  Italian ice, food in general, mashed potatoes.
LB is the size of a lemon this week.  And hello baby bump!!!  Popped up out of nowhere yesterday.  "Hair is starting to sprout on the baby's head, which is about the size of a gumball.  The head is now in better proportion to body size.  Simple facial gestures may now be visible on ultrasound, including grimacing and squinting."  Hmmm...the hair growing probably explains the sudden onset of heartburn.  I didn't get heartburn with Avery until the 3rd maybe this baby will have more hair than Avery?  Avery had a lot of we'll see.
Here are some pictures of my new little "lemon"...

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

Avery's Christmas Eve dress

Mommy & Avery on Christmas Eve

I know what this is!

Let me help you!

Christmas morning:)

Princess ball bounce house

The shoes mommy got her

Her giraffe

Trying to figure out what this dress is

Zany Zoo, love this gift!

Not the best picture, but her dress is so cute!
Christmas Eve was spent in Rockwall with the Jones side of the family.  Avery got her Laugh n Learn door that she loves!  She also got the cutest boots!  Christmas morning we spent playing Santa at our house.  Avery got a Princess ball jump house and a giraffe that you put balls in its mouth and they go around and around until they reach the bottom.  She loved both of those gifts.  I also got her some pretty white shoes that she was able to wear today, size 5...I can't believe how big she's getting.  Christmas afternoon was spent at my parents house.  Avery got her Zany Zoo cube, some sleepers that are adorable, a rolling horse, a tea set, and some books.  I got my new laptop, YAY!!!  And we ate a lot!!!!  Avery has been absolutely adorable playing with all of her toys.  She has been a busy little baby!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

13-weeks PG/Appt.

Today I am 13-completed weeks.  Overall mood for the week:  good/calm; Energy: tired during school, good on break;)  Appetite:  normal.  Morning sickness:  none!  Cravings:  movie popcorn, food in general, canteloupe, Cheez-its. 
This week LB is the size of a peach.  "Up until now, your baby's head has been proportionally larger than the rest of the body.  But around this time your baby's body will start to catch up and grow more proportional to the head.  If you could peek inside your womb, you could see your baby's motor skills starting to work.  Your baby is able to move and flex the arms and legs, but you won't be able to feel this movement until later."
I also had my doctor's appointment this morning.  Everything went really well.  I got to listen to the heartbeart for a long time.  I swear that is the best sound in the whole world.  The heartrate was 187 which is super fast!!!  Avery was in the 140's the entire pregnancy.  The old wives tale says that the faster heartrates are girls.  We shall see!  AND Chris and I finally decided on a girls name...I think.  We already have our boys name...I think;)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

12-weeks pregnant...YAY!

I am officially 12-weeks today, YAY!  Mood:  a little snappy, moody; Energy:  exhausted, good tired during 3rd period (1:00-2:30pm);  Appetite:  normal; Cravings:  canteloupe, chips, jolly ranchers, cheez its;  Morning Sickness:  none.

LB is the size of a plum!  "The features on your baby's face are becoming more defined.  The eyes have moved towards the front of the face and the chin and nose have taken more shape.  Your baby's tiny fingernails are now well formed on fingers that will soon be able to open and close.  In your baby's brain, synapses are rapidly growing.".

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

11-weeks Pregnant

I am officially 11-completed weeks today...yay!  Mood:  sad, struggling, strong and doing better by the end of the week.  Energy:  started out exhausted, then got really good.  Appetite:  started out hungry, needed to eat every hour, then went back to normal.  Cravings:  Enchiladas, cantaloupe with yogurt, watermelon, Chick-Fil-A.  Morning sickness:  started out bad, then went away completely.
LB is the size of a lime.  "This week your baby is officially developed enough to be called a fetus.  The good news is that the critical part of your baby's organ system development is over.  Your baby will grow very rapidly and will double in size by next week.  On your baby's head, the ears are moving to the side of the head.  Reproductive organs are becoming more distinguished."

Saturday, December 4, 2010

December Pics

Sleepy baby

Avery's Christmas pictures

Avery meeting Santa for the very 1st time.  No tears AT ALL!  Santa asked me, "Is she always this good?".

Thursday, December 2, 2010

10-completed weeks

Yesterday, I was 10-completed weeks...only 30 more to go. Mood: like a roller coaster, most of the time I am sad, but there are times where I am good. Energy: Same as mood, moments where it is good, moments where I am really tired! Appetite: normal to increased. I am having to eat every hour or so to keep the sickness at bay. Cravings: fruit, apples, cantaloupe. Morning sickness: in waves.
LB is the size of a prune this week. "The 10th week marks the beginning of a critical period in your baby's development when all the vital organs have formed and are beginning to function. Your baby is growing tiny nails on the fingers and toes as well as tiny buds for teeth.
I also took the Intelligender test this morning. I took it 2X with Avery and it was right both times. This morning it was definitely clear and easy to read again. Only this time it says BOY.