Sunday, November 21, 2010

Avery's 1st Birthday Party!

One year ago today was my due date. I was sitting in my dining room putting a puzzle together trying to pass the time. Now I am celebrating my baby girls 1st birthday party! What a difference a year can make!

Her party was a huge success. It was nice to see everyone from both sides of the family and Jen and Ryder too. I was worried about Avery because OF COURSE her naps were off today. She was a little fussy, but not too bad. She got lots of great presents, I can't wait for her to start using them! Her smash cake experience was too cute. She didn't want to touch it at first and just cried. Then she got more adventurous and started touching it, grabbing it, smushing it and faceplanting in it.

It was a great party, I am glad it's over and I think I might have gained 10 pounds...sheesh that was a lot of food.

1 comment:

  1. Your daughter is too precious!!! Congratulations on #2! You deserve it!


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