Wednesday, November 24, 2010

9-weeks pregnant

Avery is officially 1-year old today and I am officially 9-weeks pregnant today. This week has been the roughest week so far. Overall this week: Mood: good/happy/bad at the end of the week. Energy: Very good. Appetite: Hungrier than normal. Cravings: food in general, chips, fried chicken (which I don't like when I'm not pregnant), french fries. Morning sickness: Absolutely none all week until last night. Last night was the 1st puke of the pregnancy. I had Stovetop Dressing last night and puked it all up.
I had my 2nd doctors appointment today. Everything looks good, saw the heartbeat:) And I lost a pound...already doing better than I did with Avery. Must have been my awesome night last night...
As for LB: "This week the embryonic tail disappears. The hands and feet look a lot less like paddles and have more formed fingers and toes. These changes give your baby a more human shape. Your baby's head is still larger than the rest of the body and the eyes are fully developed, but are covered by the eyelids which are fused shut for the next 16 weeks or so. Inside your baby's body the internal reproductive organs, testes, or ovaries, are starting to form but will not be quite distinguishable until the next couple of weeks." And according to my BabyBump app, LB is the size of a green olive right now.

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