Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Eve!

2011 was a so-so year.  Not anything spectacular, but definitely not bad like 2010.  2011 brought me Shane, so obviously it wasn't too shabby;)  I also got to stay at home again.  And my sister and I had our babies 2 days apart and were in the hospital together. Avery is talking up a storm and the Yorkies are so happy to be alone again;)

I hope 2012 is a great one!!  My goals for this year are to lose 35 lbs by Christmas, not to get pregnant since I've been pregnant for 3 years straight, and to move into a bigger house.  Please and amen!

We spent NYE at home with the family.  We ate Mercado Juarez and watched TV.  Chris was asleep before midnight and I didn't feel like drinking anymore, so HAPPY NEW YEAR!

AND Bubs is sitting up by himself for a long time now!

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