Saturday, January 26, 2013

Avery & Shane January '13

Shane:  He is 19 months old today!  And he has grown a lot this month!!  He can say just a few more words...thank you, here you go, etc.  He knows where his nose is...finally!  Well, he knows where mine is because he touches my nose every time I ask him where his nose is :)  He also knows where his mouth is!  Besides that, he has a penchant for taking his diaper off.  I got him to pee on the potty once, but I am NOT pushing him until he's ready! 

Avery:  Still talks more than any 3 year old I've ever met.  She is still in dance and has excellent chasses, if I do say so myself.  Avery surprises me daily with her intelligence.  Whether it's her verbose nature or her grasping abstract concepts, she is too smart for her own good! And her favorite TV show is the Octonauts.  She also loves Gumby from Netflix.  OLD SCHOOL she is and I LOVE her for it :)

Me:  We were all sick again...the usual, runny noses, etc.  Then we had a stomach bug hit us:(  It.was.awful!  But now everyone's noses have stopped being so gross and kmfx it stays that way!!  Other than that, not much is going on.

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