Sunday, March 24, 2013
March 2013
Shane: He is starting to add words to his vocabulary. Bella is the one that stands out the most. He is still an absolute angel and delight. Great sleeper, great eater, beautiful disposition. I could not love any one more :) He loves to play with cars and trains and even makes "vroom" and "choo choo" sounds. LOVE him! He's such an independent player. And he is still very quiet.
Avery: Still on a "I love everyone" or "I don't love everyone" kick. She loves painting, Octonauts, and people. She is such a social animal. She won't be happy unless she can see other people.
Me: Lots going on. We found an amazing church! I LOVE that both Chris and I get charged and enlightened every Sunday! LOVE that we found our church and that's it is so close to our house.
I was selected to help promote the BOB Motion Stroller. It's a group of moms from my mom event group, MetroMoms. We go to several events or public places together with our strollers, wearing the same shirt and use social media to help promote. And may I just say, I LOVE our BOB Motion Stroller ;)
Friday, February 22, 2013
February '13
Shane: I cannot believe he will be 2 years old in 4 months!!! CRAZY! At his belated 18-month appt he was 33" tall (70th %tile) and 26.3 lbs (50th %tile). He is average verbally which was comforting to hear. He doesn't talk much, so when he adds a new word, it is really exciting. His newest word is, "Papa" and it is the sweetest thing ever! He is teething like crazy, so he has been fussy, poopy and whiny for about a week. Shane is very independent and still is not into TV.
Avery: At her belated 3-year appt, she was 40.5" tall (off the charts, average height of a 5-year old) and weighed 34.6 lbs (25th %tile with her height figured into it). She is advanced and too smart for her own good. She is still loving dance, and is getting more bossy and sassy each day. Avery has also become very sweet and affectionate. She loves giving hugs and kisses. And she has a new obsession (unfortunately), the Doodlebops.
Me: Still finding zen at the gym :) I was chosen to promote a new BOB stroller and cannot wait to start that...starts tomorrow!! And have FINALLY made peace with not having a 3rd baby. I have donated a lot of their clothes to my MIL's church. And am giving ALL of the rest of their clothes to friends.
This is just Shane's stuff so far. Avery's stuff filled about 4 huge tubs. I cried a few times while sorting out their clothes, but only for the memories. I can't believe they both used to be so little! I am proud of myself for letting go and love how at peace I feel!
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Avery & Shane January '13
Shane: He is 19 months old today! And he has grown a lot this month!! He can say just a few more words...thank you, here you go, etc. He knows where his nose is...finally! Well, he knows where mine is because he touches my nose every time I ask him where his nose is :) He also knows where his mouth is! Besides that, he has a penchant for taking his diaper off. I got him to pee on the potty once, but I am NOT pushing him until he's ready!
Avery: Still talks more than any 3 year old I've ever met. She is still in dance and has excellent chasses, if I do say so myself. Avery surprises me daily with her intelligence. Whether it's her verbose nature or her grasping abstract concepts, she is too smart for her own good! And her favorite TV show is the Octonauts. She also loves Gumby from Netflix. OLD SCHOOL she is and I LOVE her for it :)
Me: We were all sick again...the usual, runny noses, etc. Then we had a stomach bug hit us:( It.was.awful! But now everyone's noses have stopped being so gross and kmfx it stays that way!! Other than that, not much is going on.
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