Tuesday, November 22, 2011

5 Months & 24 Months!

Shane is 5 months old today!  Here is what he has been up to...
*Sleeping on average 12.5-13 hours overnight. 
*Eats solids (babyfood) occasionally.  I try to do once a day.  I HATE doing it though.
*Grasps toys and can play with them.
*Great at sitting, can sit alone for a few seconds.
*Obsessed with his hands.  Jams both hands in his mouth and voraciously tries to eat them.

Avery will be 2 years old on Thursday.  Here is what she has been up to...
*Talking in sentences.
*VERY verbal.  Talks from the moment she gets up until the moment she goes to sleep at night.
*Started bathing with her Bubs.

*Went back to Going Bonkers for Halloween and it's AMAZING how much she has changed since we went in May.  She climbed all the way up to the top and went down the big slide several times by herself.  When we were about to leave, she broke free and went back up there and refused to come down.  I had to climb up there to get her and the slide was scary for me!
*She loves purses, blocks, balls, her shopping cart, putting things in one bag and transferring them to another bag, jewelry, grapes and ketchup (not together though).
*Her favorite books are the Colors book (we are still working hard on those colors, sigh), Llama Llama Holiday Drama, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.

*Started working out again and am loving the results.
*Hormones are back in balance and I feel human again.
*Went to a Chiropractor.  He did a heavy duty evaluation including X-rays and telling me he felt sorry for my kids because I didn't breastfeed them for a long time.  HA.  Men.  One of my shoulders is higher than the other one, and one of my hips is higher than the other one, but they are opposites.  The higher shoulder is the lower hip.  He took my BP sitting and had me stand up.  Normally your BP will rise a few points.  Well mine dropped by about 10-15 points.  He said that was a sign of Adrenal Fatigue, which is caused by stress.  It explains why I have trouble sleeping and feel tired all the time.  He gave me some supplements to help that.  And he finally adjusted my back.  My X-rays were interesting.  Your neck is supposed to be a C curve (, and mine looks like this |.  He said I have the beginnings of arthritis in my neck.  That's interesting because my neck doesn't even hurt.  And I have the beginnings of arthritis in my hips.  Now that I believe!  I feel like an 80-year old.  He wanted me to come back 27X.  3X a week...laugh with me because that's not happening.  But I would like to find a normal chiropractor who will just adjust me.  But whatever he did worked.  I feel MUCH better!
*Linny, oh Linny.  The buyer's remorse is here.  She pees as soon as she comes inside.  She pees on the couch.  And she runs away.  Grrr. 
*I have been active with my mom events.  The last event I went to I drew #80 out of 80.  Who does that??  And what happened to my good luck.  I have another event on the 30th and I hope my luck turns around!!!!  At least it can't get worse.  AND I did end up winning an online contest from them for Disney on Ice tickets.  I can't wait to take Boo.  Happy birthday Avery!  I think they just felt sorry for me always drawing one of the last #'s.
*Speaking of my mom events, I went to Breaking Dawn the midnight showing.  Disappointed, that's all I can say.

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