Friday, September 2, 2011

September Pics

Love my precious little boy!

LOVE my babies!

3 Months post partum

LOVE being a stay at home mom, so I can do things like this with my children at 9:30am on a weekday.

She won't go down the slides, but she will climb all the way up this ladder like it's nothing.

Avery is helping mommy protest.  Her sign says, "Kitchen is closed".  I got it at Motherhood the Musical. 

Avery's newest trick/annoyance is using toys to climb up to...everything.

Of course, this works too...

Look who is finally taking a pacifier!

What are those things?

Fort Worth Zoo, 9/6/11

Linny, Tuck and Ming Ming too...she actually sang that when she saw the turtles;)

 Bear Creek Intermediate Park, Labor Day

Having kids is finally paying off.  She cries, reaches for the mop and says, "Help".

Love .  Shane rarely smiles and only for his sissy.  I think he's already over me.

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