Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Shane is 3-weeks old today!  This past week has been like a roller coaster.  Shane has had several days where he cluster feeds, the boy eats constantly.  Consequently, it has made me slightly irritable/depressed.  I have had several moments where I have felt ungrateful.  I know how lucky I am to have a healthy son, but it has been hard to find the silver lining.  I started wondering why I wanted a second baby.  And I am so happy that I CAN breastfeed this time, but I was starting to hate it just like I did with Avery.  It does not feel rewarding or fulfilling.  But God is awesome and in the 11th hour, He/he came through for me.  Shane slept 8 hours and 22 minutes last night.  I wish that would become a habit.  Most of this week, he has slept 3 hours 50 minutes consistently.  It's amazing what a long stretch of sleep can give you!  Happiness for one.
And I weigh at 3 weeks what I weighed at 13 weeks post partum with Avery.  I am only 18-pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight, YAHOO!!!!!!!!!  AND I can button my bigger shorts!  It took me until Avery was 4+months old before I could do that...3 weeks post partum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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