Monday, July 25, 2011

1-month Appt/20 Months

Shane had his 1-month pediatric appt today.  Chris took him.  He is 12 lbs 8 oz. and 23" long.  95th percentile for both height and weight.  He got one shot, the 2nd part of his Hep B shot.  He is doing great!  He does have baby acne:(  But according to his pedi, it should go away on it's own between 2-3 months old.  He is still sleeping through the night.  On average 7-8 hours overnight (8pm-3 or 4am).  He's such a good baby and only really cries when he's hungry, wet or gassy. 

Avery is also 20-months old now.  She is so freaking cute, I can't stand it.  She repeats things almost instantly and her vocabulary is increasing every day.  The cutest things she says now...
*she tries to sing the beginning of Wonder Pets.
*she constantly sings, "Tuck and Ming Ming too", from Wonder Pets.
*she tries to pick up and hold Shane.  She cannot actually do it because he weighs half of what she does, but she does try.
*she is still obsessed with:  coloring, going outside, climbing and somer saulting off the couch, throwing things, and slapping the dogs, sigh.

Friday, July 22, 2011

1-Month Old

1 month ago, I gave birth to my behemoth baby, Shane.  It has gone by fast and slow at the same time.  Here is what Shane has been up to:
*Sleeps an average of 8-hours overnight.  Just like his sister.  Avery started sleeping 8-hours overnight when she was 3-weeks old.  Hallelujah.
*More alert.  He can trace objects with his eyes.
*On a VERY scattered schedule, but a schedule nonetheless.  He eats a certain # of times before taking naps, not necessarily at the same times though.

As for the rest of the family:
*Today is Chris's birthday.
*Avery is awesome, as usual.  She is sweet to her Bubba, but ignores him too.  The only time she tends to have a breakdown is when I bathe Shane.  She cries and has a meltdown and keeps saying, "In there".
*And when Shane screams or cries, Avery for some reason, feels she must do the same thing.
*And me, being alone with 2 is much easier than I thought it would be.  I have my moments, but for the most part, I love having 2.  I get to experience 2 different stages of babies, so it's fun.  Now if only Avery would stop destroying my house. 

*And I went back to the dentist for my full exam.  I had to get a root canal and 2 temporary crowns.  I go back in a few weeks to get my crowns and some fillings for the umpteen cavities I have:(  I'm in a lot of pain...hopefully it goes away soon.  It really sucks to be so hungry and not be able to eat because it hurts so bad.  But at least I won't have the jaw pain anymore.  And my dentist says that I shouldn't need any more dental work for about 15-18 years...sounds GREAT!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Shane is 3-weeks old today!  This past week has been like a roller coaster.  Shane has had several days where he cluster feeds, the boy eats constantly.  Consequently, it has made me slightly irritable/depressed.  I have had several moments where I have felt ungrateful.  I know how lucky I am to have a healthy son, but it has been hard to find the silver lining.  I started wondering why I wanted a second baby.  And I am so happy that I CAN breastfeed this time, but I was starting to hate it just like I did with Avery.  It does not feel rewarding or fulfilling.  But God is awesome and in the 11th hour, He/he came through for me.  Shane slept 8 hours and 22 minutes last night.  I wish that would become a habit.  Most of this week, he has slept 3 hours 50 minutes consistently.  It's amazing what a long stretch of sleep can give you!  Happiness for one.
And I weigh at 3 weeks what I weighed at 13 weeks post partum with Avery.  I am only 18-pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight, YAHOO!!!!!!!!!  AND I can button my bigger shorts!  It took me until Avery was 4+months old before I could do that...3 weeks post partum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

2 Weeks/Appt

Shane is 2-weeks old today.  Here is what he has been up to this past week:
*Sleeping on average 3hr 15min.  The past night/day he has gone back to 2hr stretches though.  NOT COOL.  I'm EXHAUSTED.
*His plastibell fell off...FINALLY.
*He's sleeping in his nursery in his napper.  It's elevated and I feel more comfortable that way.  I think he might have acid reflux, so I feel more comfortable knowing he's sleeping elevated.
*Spending more time awake.
*Started using playmat.

We had Shane's 2-week pediatric appointment this afternoon.  He is the complete opposite of his sister.  He is 11lbs 6oz and 22.5" long.  He was supposed to gain 9oz, but he gained 16 instead.  The pediatrician asked me if I was breastfeeding.  I said yes.  He said, "well, there's nothing we can do.  He is going to eat what he's going to eat."  Complete opposite problem from Avery.  Instead of worrying about him not gaining enough weight, now he might be gaining too much weight.  We don't have to go again until the end of this month for his 1-month.

Avery said, "Night, night", and laid down next to Shane.

VERY calm during tummy time...unlike his sister.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

July Pics

Wearing a 3 month onesie at 1 day shy of 2 weeks!

No more black or bloodshot eyes means Shane can open his beautiful blue eyes more.

Eat, play, sleep has begun...

Is actually more like, Eat, play, eat, sleep.  My little chunky monkey.

I don't know if this is adorable or evil looking...but she's learning to pose for pictures.

This Boo loves to talk on the phone.

My olive complected son.

Ah, the joys of having 2 under 2.

Taking the MamaRoo for a test drive.