Wednesday, May 18, 2011

34 Weeks/Appt

I am officially 34 weeks today.  6 weeks left and 3 until I am full term.  I have to say that even though I am uncomfortable, I am doing better than I did with Avery.  I am still able to sleep (not as good as pre-pregnancy), but better than I did with Avery.  My heartburn and acid reflux is handled by Zantac.  I do feel a  lot of pressure and sensations down there, but that is normal.  AND he feels a lot heavier, but according to all my baby apps he is about 4lbs now, so that could probably explain it.
My appt today was less than stellar.  They weighed me while my bladder was full which always pisses me off.  Then she yelled my weight to the lady entering my weight...thank you?  Blood pressure is good.  Heartrate is 142.  He was very active as little wiggle worm.  Then they did 2 vaginal swabs to test for Group B Strep.  I had NO idea they would be doing that, so that was fun, NOT.  Then they measured me.  I am assuming I'm measuring right on schedule because they didn't say anything.  Then another wonderful surprise, an HIV test.  BLAH!  My next appt is at 36 weeks and then I start going every week and they will start checking my cervix.  It has gone by so fast.  I am trying to enjoy these last 6 weeks of pregnancy.  But knowing that everyone who is due around me went early with their 1st, makes me anxious because I went late.  Sigh. 
Here is my 34 week picture...and I have absolutely no makeup on.

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