Thursday, June 24, 2010

7-Months Old!

This month I have watched my sweet little girl go from crawling mode to awkward crawling, to sitting up, to sitting on her knees, to pulling up, to crawling fast and pulling up on everything. Wow, it seems like she grew like a weed this month! She is a lot of fun now and she makes her way around the house pretty expertly. She pulls right up to the coffee table, and her Bright Starts and starts playing with the toys up there.

I fear that we might have her spoiled now that she has a TV/DVD player in her nursery and she LOVES Baby Einstein. The Baby lamb makes her laugh and smile each time it comes on the screen...sigh. She is not talking, but she has started doing the little squeals and baby ooohs and aaahs, so precious! She is now in the big girl bath, no more SpaBaby. I have been putting on my swimsuit and joining her for her big girl baths and it's a very sweet bonding time for us:) And just like her mommy, she loves bubble baths!

Each month I think next month is going to be slow in milestones because this month was so epic. But Avery surprises me each week, so God only knows what she will be doing by 8-months!

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