Wednesday, February 24, 2010

3 Months Old!

Avery is 3 months old today! Here is what has been going on in weeks 9-12.

*Hates her swing now.

*Likes napping next to me on the couch.

*Flecks of brown in her green eyes!

*Fussy for a whole week after her 2-month shots.

*I'm feeling a little overwhelmed, Avery definitely has colic and it has been rough!

*Avery and I had our 1st visit to the farm in OK.

*Went to the pediatrician for colic and reflux. He prescribed Zantac and Nutramigen.

*She weighs 11lbs. 4oz.

*Started having blow-outs.

*Holds her head up SO good!

*Likes being read to. My 3 favorite books to read to her are: The Adventures of Little Wombat; My Heart is Like a Zoo; and her Noisy Duckling Book (it quacks for her).

*I finally cracked my weight plateau that I have been stuck at for 3-4 weeks!

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