Wednesday, February 24, 2010

3 Months Old!

Avery is 3 months old today! Here is what has been going on in weeks 9-12.

*Hates her swing now.

*Likes napping next to me on the couch.

*Flecks of brown in her green eyes!

*Fussy for a whole week after her 2-month shots.

*I'm feeling a little overwhelmed, Avery definitely has colic and it has been rough!

*Avery and I had our 1st visit to the farm in OK.

*Went to the pediatrician for colic and reflux. He prescribed Zantac and Nutramigen.

*She weighs 11lbs. 4oz.

*Started having blow-outs.

*Holds her head up SO good!

*Likes being read to. My 3 favorite books to read to her are: The Adventures of Little Wombat; My Heart is Like a Zoo; and her Noisy Duckling Book (it quacks for her).

*I finally cracked my weight plateau that I have been stuck at for 3-4 weeks!

Monday, February 8, 2010

February Pics

Watching TV...

Yikes, this winter is ridiculous!

Before the blow-out to end all blow-outs
R.I.P. Bunny slipper onesie, 2009-2010

Working on my napping skills...

So, do you come here often?

She might look like her dad, but she hates Valentine's Day like her mom!

Is there a Valentine on my head???


The only outfit Avery has with absolutely no pink, anywhere...

Daddy's Princess

Uh-oh, we already have a problem with this?

Bella, our snow dog, loving the snow!

Bella itching to get outside in the snow!

Snow day!

Avery enjoying her 4th snow day!

Mom, I'm trying to sleep here!

Look at those beautiful eyes!

My prissy girl getting mad at the snow in her hair!

It's bright out here!

Let it snow, in February?

4th snow day...

Avery's Ed Grimley look...

Playing dress up...