Sunday, January 24, 2010

2 Months Old! Weeks 5-8

Avery is 2 months old today! Here is the break down of what has happened during weeks 5-8...

Week 5:

*Started sleeping 9 hours overnight

*Making more noises/different cries

*Finally found a paci she likes, Avent

*She had her 1st overnight stay with Grandma & Grandpa Jones for NYE. AND she was wonderful.

*My last day to BF was 12/30. She is strictly FF now.

*Growth spurt, eating 6oz

*Woke up in the middle of the night to eat for the 1st time since she was 2 weeks old.

*Recognizes voices & faces

*Smiles sometimes

*I started working out at the gym again

Week 6:

*Avery had her portraits made

*I had my 6-week post partum check-up & my polyp is gone!

*She slept over 10 hours overnight.

*She is spending time on her tummy mat & on her back on her jungle mat.

*She can focus more, hears sounds and turns to them

*1st real smile while watching My Best Friends: Tigger and Pooh! Hoorah!!

Week 7:

*She is smiling more

*She weighs 10.5 pounds

*Sleeping an average of 10 hours overnight

Week 8:

*I am finally starting to feel better about the way I look! I feel skinnier, but don't necessarily look it.

*Avery is sleeping an average of 11 hours overnight

*She used to sleep on my chest, now she likes sleeping on my lap

*We are finally on a schedule. She is eating every 3 hours and has been sleeping from about 8:30pm-8am. AND I have to wake her up at 8am. I love waking her up because she is in a better mood and I get some smiles:)

*We have been following BabyWise: Eat, play, sleep

*I think she might be teething. I know it's early, but she has a white spot on her upper right gum.

*Her eyes are changing color. They are getting lighter from the inside out.

*We had our 1st outing together to Target. I realize I'm slow, but am super paranoid. She was amazing and slept the whole time. When she wasn't sleeping, she was just wide awake listening to all the commotion.

*Started walking around the neighborhood with her now that the weather permits it.

*She likes napping in her stroller.

*Avery rolls over from her tummy to her back! So exciting!

*She can hold her head steady longer. During tummy time, she pushes up and can hold that position for a lot longer than I have ever seen her do it.

*And she sat in her Bumbo seat for the 1st time, but only for a minute.

1 comment:

  1. Keep getting out! It will keep you sane! That is how I kept my sanity! We went on drives, went grocery shopping, we still go to Target almost every weekend just to get out of the house! When mine were smaller and I wasn't working I would go on walks twice a day with them! They still love going for a walk in the stroller! Getting out saves the day!


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