Wednesday, November 4, 2009

37-week appointment

Today was an exciting appointment! Everything looks good, my BP is good, weight isn't bad, and no sugar in my system...YEA! Her heartrate was 140, as usual. She sounded like a galloping horse this time:) I am 1cm dilated, 40% effaced, her head is -3 station, she is head down and her estimated delivery weight is between 7 1/2-8 pounds! The most exciting part was hearing my doctor say that for a first time mom at 37 weeks, my exam was better than average! Yahoo!!! AND it's crazy to know that she's not just sitting on a nerve, but those crazy sensations are her head pushing down! We will see what happens. I have heard every story known to woman-kind now and know that you can be dilated and still deliver late AND you can make no progress and then a couple of hours later, BOOM, you're in labor. The good part is that I have decided to just let God and Avery decide her due date. I am going to enjoy the last few days/weeks of being pregnant and feeling her move inside me. In a few weeks, our lives will change forever. So, I am going to enjoy this solitude with my dogs and Chris before I never get peace and quiet again:)

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