Yesterday, I was 34 completed weeks (only 6 more weeks to go!). Avery has been very active this weekend. She has given me a few good kicks that have startled me, but her favorite activity is to push. I only wish I knew which body part it was! This past week has been particularly hard on my hips, I blame the hormone Relaxin. Relaxin softens your cartilage and joints in preparation for labor. My hip joints hurt really bad and I waddle if not limp (think pirate with a wooden leg) whenever I have been sitting or sleeping and get up. When I wasn't pregnant, I had problems with my hips popping and they would get stiff if I didn't pop them. What it feels like now is that I have to pop my hips, and they won't pop. It's a little painful, but as Chris likes to say now (thanks to our Childbirth class), think of the reward of all this.
I cannot believe there are only 6 weeks left until she is here. AND only 3 more weeks until she is considered full-term.
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