Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas '12

Avery was up at 4:45am

They both love Shane's train table

Didn't go to Gimmi and Papa's because of impending weather...good decision...

Street view from balcony

Shane's VERY 1st snow storm

Other street view

Shane is NOT a fan of snow

The house looks beautiful!

Several inches and it's still coming down

Bella & Max love the snow...glad someone does

Shane cried the whole time

And Avery wasn't liking it either, I LOVE it!!!

December Pics

Christmas tree before Max ate 7 ornaments...

Avery dancing in the middle of a Mexican restaurant

Avery loves putting my shoes on and telling me she's going to go workout.


Gimmi and Papa got a new toy for all the grandkids

At the mall

Avery & Shane in Dec '12

Shane:  Sick yet again.  I feel like he is always sick.  Learning new words and phrases.  He can say, "ow" and, "Here you go".  Love him!  He likes shoes and trying his daddy's shoes on :) He is still the best baby EVER and the clumsiest.

Avery:  Talks more than any 3 year old should.  Doing great in dance!  Her chasses are beautiful :)  Getting taller.  I don't know what I am going to do with that child.  She's more than 1/2 my heighth and she is THREE! 

Me:  Not much going on here.  Have avoided the illness this time around (knock on wood).  Working out frequently...not much else is going on.