Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas '12

Avery was up at 4:45am

They both love Shane's train table

Didn't go to Gimmi and Papa's because of impending weather...good decision...

Street view from balcony

Shane's VERY 1st snow storm

Other street view

Shane is NOT a fan of snow

The house looks beautiful!

Several inches and it's still coming down

Bella & Max love the snow...glad someone does

Shane cried the whole time

And Avery wasn't liking it either, I LOVE it!!!

December Pics

Christmas tree before Max ate 7 ornaments...

Avery dancing in the middle of a Mexican restaurant

Avery loves putting my shoes on and telling me she's going to go workout.


Gimmi and Papa got a new toy for all the grandkids

At the mall

Avery & Shane in Dec '12

Shane:  Sick yet again.  I feel like he is always sick.  Learning new words and phrases.  He can say, "ow" and, "Here you go".  Love him!  He likes shoes and trying his daddy's shoes on :) He is still the best baby EVER and the clumsiest.

Avery:  Talks more than any 3 year old should.  Doing great in dance!  Her chasses are beautiful :)  Getting taller.  I don't know what I am going to do with that child.  She's more than 1/2 my heighth and she is THREE! 

Me:  Not much going on here.  Have avoided the illness this time around (knock on wood).  Working out frequently...not much else is going on.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Avery is 3!

2 days old

1st Smile

3 months old

6 months old

9 months old

The Announcement

15 months old and checking on her Bubby Shane

18 months old

2 years old

Big sister

2.5 years old

1st day of dance class

3 years old (close enough)

I interviewed Avery today and these were her answers...
1) What is your favorite color?  PINK
2) What is your favorite toy?  A DINOSAUR ONE, A LADYBUG ONE
3) What is your favorite fruit?  YOGURT SOUNDS GOOD
4) What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?  PUMPKIN PIE
5) What is your favorite TV show?  TOY STORY
6) What is your favorite outfit?  ANGRY BIRDS PJS
7) What is your favorite game?  PLAY KITCHEN GAME
8) What is your favorite snack?  CANDY
9) What is your favorite animal?  A LADYBUG
10) What is your favorite song?  IT'S ON MY PETER (Her word for computer)
11) What is your favorite book?  A DINOSAUR ONE
12) Who is your best friend?  BUBBY IS
13) What is your favorite cereal?  YOUR CEREAL
14) What is your favorite thing to do outside? JUMPERLINE
15) What is your favorite drink?  WATER
16) What is your favorite holiday? CHRISTMAS TREE
17) What do you like to take to bed with you at night?  A DREAM PILLOW
18) What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?  CEREAL
19) What do you want to eat on your birthday?  CAKE
20) What do you want to be when you grow up?  CINDERELLA

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Avery & Shane November '12


Talking now!  His vocabulary is expanding, although he is quiet :)

And he points at everything and says, "da". He is so happy all.the.time.  He has dropped his afternoon nap and only takes 1 nap now.  He eats very well.  I fear for his teenage years.  I am sure he is going to eat us out of house and home.  And I dont know if it's because I didn't pray for him to be outgoing (like I did with Avery), or if it's because his birthday is so close to mine and it's a Cancer thing...BUT he reminds me of myself a lot.  He is very independent and is VERY particular with his affection.  He seriously could not be any more perfect!  Such an angel.  That is how I describe him to everyone.  An angel sent straight from heaven.

She is so bossy and sassy.  I know where she gets it from.  No matter how rough she can be with Shane, she is such an amazing big sister.  She protects him, and helps him.  I LOVE that they play together so well :)  Avery will be 3 on Saturday.  I would say I cannot believe she is going to be 3, but I actually can.  She is so verbal and tall.  She is 3 going on 13. 

11:57 am 11/24/09

7 lbs 14 oz 20.5"

Meeting the doggies for the very 1st time

Her Lello

1st Halloween

1st birthday

2nd Halloween

State Fair '12

I have been very sentimental this week as Avery was born on the Tuesday of Thanksgiving week and came home on Thanksgiving Day.  We had no idea on Thanksgiving Day 3 years ago that we were going to have such a sassy, outgoing, bossy, sweet, talkative, mini me.  We are so blessed. 
Other than that, I have been going to the gym almost every day (and loving it).  Our new house is awesome and I cannot wait to decorate for Christmas!!!!!