Wednesday, March 30, 2011

27 weeks/Appt.

I am officially 27-weeks today.  I canNOT believe how fast this pregnancy has gone by!!!  According to Babycenter, Shane weighs almost 2lbs (like a head of cauliflower).  And he is sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing his eyes. 
I had my 27-week appointment today and the infamous glucose test.  I forgot that they do finger pricks with this test, OUCH.  I would rather have blood taken from my arm.  I had to fast last night and this morning.  Nothing to eat or drink but plain water after 9pm.  Then at my appt this morning they did a finger prick, gave me the orange sugary drink, made me pee in a cup, got my weight and blood pressure, then took Shane's heartrate.  He was moving so much she had to do it twice.  Then I saw my GYN.  She scared me because she said there were 2 heartbeats listed.  Then she said, "wouldn't it be something if you had twins after all these sonograms?".  Ummm no, it wouldn't be.  But she was just playing and Shane is definitely a singleton.  There were 2 heartrates listed because the nurse took it twice because Shane was such a wiggle worm (what else is new?).  Then she measured me and my uterus is measuring right on schedule.  Then I got to ask her 3 questions.  1) Since I am having trouble sleeping, can I take Tylenol PM.  She said Yes.; 2) Can I get a spray tan?  She said:  I don't know what is in that, so no.  BOO:(; 3)  Is it true that 2nd labors are faster?  She said yes, unless you have a big baby.  I said, "well, Avery was here in 4 pushes, so...".  And then she looked up my records and I am listed as a "rapid labor risk" because of how fast Avery came out.  I had NO idea!!!  Then she said that because of that risk, if I am dilated and effaced at 39-weeks, they will go ahead and schedule my induction.  AAAAHHHH!!!  I will be 39-weeks on June 22nd.  So, it is quite possible Shane will have a June birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then I had to wait in the waiting room WITHOUT eating for an hour.  YUCK.  Then they did a 2nd finger prick AND took blood out of my arm to check my thyroid (my thyroid was a little "goofy" earlier in my pregnancy).  Then I saw my GYN again because my OB was still in L&D.  I checked with her again to make sure only 1 baby was in there.  Definitely just Shane.  Thank goodness.  Then I asked for clarification on the induction.  She said I have to be dilated and effaced at 39-weeks for them to schedule the induction.  I was between a 2-3 and 50% effaced with Avery at 39-weeks, so come on Shane!!!!  JUNE, JUNE, JUNE!  PLEASE!!!
AND I passed my 1-hr glucose test!  YAY!  I start going every 2 weeks now, although my next appt is 3 weeks away...but who's counting?

Friday, March 25, 2011

16 Months

Avery was officially 16 months on Thursday, 3/24.  She's getting so big.  She can do a lot of stuff and is increasing her vocabulary every day.
She can:
Wipe her mouth with a napkin
Consistently knows where her nose, ear and chin are
Blow kisses<3<3<3
Climbs on everything including the dining room table
In her Toddler bed
Likes "brushing" her teeth (finally)
Likes being read to, favorite book is "Twinkle Toes", a ballerina book:)

Her new words:
Woof woof
Night night


On Wednesday, 3/23, I was officially 26 weeks.  Shane is the size of a cucumber and still as active as ever.  I'm feeling a little third trimester-y, even though I know it's early.  It takes a little more effort to get out bed and I'm having to do that quite often.  I've pretty much been tired this whole pregnancy.  And my back hurts every now and then.  I'm still sleeping pretty good and no heartburn or acid least not like Avery!  I cannot believe I have less than 100 days left.  CRAZY!
This week, "the fetus's immune system, including the lymph nodes, thymus and spleen, are rapidly developing, a process that started during the early weeks of development."

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

25 weeks!

Shane is the size of a rutabaga this week.  Never heard of it.  He should weigh around 1.5 pounds now.  He got the hiccups for the 1st time this morning.  It was really cute, but a little annoying at 4 am when I am trying to sleep;)  This week Shane is, "growing more hair-and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture."
As for me:  I am enjoying Spring Break.  This past weekend I was in San Antonio for a dance team contest.  I got to go shopping at the River Center Mall, eat on the river, go to Sea World, and shop at the Outlet Mall in San Marcus.  I got some really cute stuff for Avery at Osh Kosh and the Gap Outlet.

 I got home Monday night, and really missed my Boo!  Yesterday, I choreographed the beginning of the pom dance for 2A for Dance Concert and cleaned the front part of the house.  It's so nice to have a clean, good smelling house again.  Today, I am planning on getting out.  Maybe the mall, outlet mall, Southlake Town Centre, who knows?  I just need to get out.

And finally, my stomach is steadily growing.  I feel really good though.  At least with Shane, my fat is confined to him.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

24 weeks!

Shane is the length of an ear of corn today.  Hard to believe, but also not so hard to believe.  He is kicking and punching everywhere!  I think that I keep forgetting to mention that I can see his kicks and movements now.  He's very active!!  According to my app, BabyBump, here is what Shane is up to this week...
"With all the rapidly developing senses in your baby, he should probably be able to sense what is upside down or right side up."

Friday, March 4, 2011

March Pics

At the Park

Might be the cutest thing I have seen in a while!

High chairs?  Overrated!  Booster seats?  Puh-lease!

As soon as I try to get her hair out of her face, this is what she does.

Our little daredevil has a preoccupation with the dining room table...sigh.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

23 weeks/Appt.

Shane is the size of  a mango this week and I am the size of an elephant.  I feel HUGE.  It's like he literally grew over night.  He has been quite active today as well.  I love how active my little Shane is!  I had my monthly doctor's appt this afternoon.  Everything looks good.  I am up 24 pounds already...sigh.  Shane's heart rate was 148.  Just like his sister!  Next appt is 1-month away and it's the dreaded glucose test:(  After that appt I start going every 2 weeks.  I cannot believe how fast these weeks are flying!!!  Slow down time, slow down!