Sunday, October 24, 2010

11-Months Old!

In 1 month Avery Rose will be 1-year old!!! It's so hard to believe how fast this year has gone by!!!!

This month Avery has:

*been walking everywhere. She can walk really fast too.

*Babbles a lot more. Sounds like she is saying Baby and mama. Can say bye-bye.

*Cut out more formula. We are down to just 6 oz. of formula a day. She's almost off her bottle completely.

*She claps a lot! She waves with her hand facing her (she is imitating exactly what she sees). It's so freaking cute.

*discovered that she really loves music!
*learned how to push buttons on her toys:)

I love her so much!!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Return of Fertile Myrtle

Week of October 4th: Chris and I had talked about trying for baby #2 in June 2011. But accidents or rather, beautiful, divine accidents happen. This was the week that I got pregnant with baby #2.

Week of October 11th: I started having pregnancy symptoms. The most prevalent ones were extreme hunger, gas and bloating. The gas was a dead giveaway. We got our new car on October 16th and went to a celebratory lunch at Los Hermanos in Terrell, TX afterwards. I couldn't control my hunger. I was ravenous!!! I talked to Chris about the what ifs? What if I am pregnant again? Honestly I would have been upset to not be pregnant again. We stopped at Wal-Mart before leaving town to get some diapers for Avery and I picked up some Equate Early Result Pregnancy Tests just in case.

Week of October 18th: I tested at 2:30am on Monday morning. I was 12 DPO (days past ovulation) and 2 days before my expected period. There are 2 lines if you are pregnant. The 2nd line was so faint, but it was there. Then I couldn't go back to sleep. I woke Chris up at 3am to look at it. He said, "congratulations, you're pregnant again" and went back to sleep. On the way to work, I picked up a First Response Early Result test since I researched those and they detect the smallest amount of HCG (pregnancy hormone). I took the test at work and it was a definite positive!!! I took 1 test a day through Friday and the lines kept getting darker and darker!!!

Symptoms: I have a ton of them...gas, bloating, a little bit of sickness, tired, hunger, blurred vision from time to time, thicker hair, headaches, breaking out, Taco Bell & Mexican food cravings, bigger boobs, and dizziness.

Comparing it to my pregnancy with Avery: it feels exactly the same! Only this time with Avery, I still hadn't tested and had no idea I was pregnant. The symptoms match my pregnancy with Avery in the later stages.

Doctor's visit: I have my 1st OB appointment scheduled for Wednesday, November 3rd!!! So exciting!!!

Chinese Birth Calendar: yes, those of you who know me, know that I am obsessed with finding out the gender of the baby. According to the Chinese birth calendar, this baby will be a girl!!!!!!!!!! Although I would love a son, a girl is the ultimate gift for me:) I would so love for Avery to get a little sister! Either way, Avery is going to be a big sister!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

A Fair to Remember

Chris and I took Avery to the Texas State Fair today. I haven't been since 1997 when I was a freshman Rangerette and we performed. It was such a beautiful day! I definitely strayed from my Weight Watchers though....chocolate covered strawberries, corn fries, caramel covered apple slices, a margarita...sigh...but it was all worth it! I got to see the car that Chris and I are looking at getting and I like it...a lot!!! I cannot wait to get a new car! We had fun just walking around and seeing all the things you can fry...pb&j, beer, cheesecake, margaritas, latte, butter...
The only ride we could go on with Avery was this Sky thing...

I haven't seen Big Tex in a few years...

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

Avery and I met Jen and Ryder at Halls Pumpkin Farm in Grapevine today. Avery was in a really calm mood and definitely wasn't in the smiling mood, but we still managed to have fun and get some really great pictures!

October Pics

Captivated by Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs...

Stuffing her face with Goldfish...I can't believe how big she is getting!

Before the Green Out game for Habitat for Humanity, 10/15/10...

Our little that 2nd position?

Halloween Fairy

Avery loves her new booster seat, that she can't use for a few more pounds or years...

Fossil Fossil Ridge Ridge! Avery enjoying a fall football evening:)

I don't know why, but today, 10/3, she started sucking her thumb a lot!

I think Avery wants a little brother or sister. She went in our room, found a maternity PJ, pulled it out and started carrying it around the house. She even managed to get it around her neck. Chris???