Saturday, July 24, 2010

8-Months Old!

Avery is officially 8-months old today! I cannot believe how fast time has flown by OR that she will be 9-months old next month!

She has been just as precious as ever:)

She has her top 2 teeth coming through. Consequently, she is starting to talk, she says baba, buhbuh, oh, and variations of those. I repeat mamamamamama to her and she answers me...baba. Sigh!

Bathtime is more fun now that she splashes around and plays with her toys.

She has started bouncing up and down on her knees and when she stands. I guess it's early dancing:)

Avery crawls quickly now and is in every room I let her in. AND she has gotten really good with her sippy cup!

The coolest thing she has done this month is that her personality is starting to develop. She is independent (thank you Lord) and has a strong personality:)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

July Pics

Paper and lemons...Averys 2 favorite things!

Avery's 1st pool experience...she doesn't like it:(


Mommy and me...

The puffs go IN your mouth!

With daddy

And mommy...

On the way to the hospital to see Grandpa Jones

I can see my future in these pictures...this is her, "like, OMG" face...

And her,
"psshh, please" face...