Monday, May 24, 2010

6 Months Old!

Avery is officially 1/2 a year old today! This month has been exciting, here is what our little princess has been up to...
*Holds her own bottle
*Can put her feet in her mouth
*In crawling pose
*Sucking thumb
*Testing lungs, i.e. screeching
*Has 2 bottom teeth through now
*Sleeping between 14-15 hours overnight
*VERY observant, likes touching and playing with different toys

Thursday, May 6, 2010

May Pics

I think she'll be a gymnast

My beautiful girl crawling & exploring

Checking her tiger out

It seems like she does something new everyday, here is todays newest thing

Our gorgeous princess on her way to see all of her grandparents and 1 set of great grandparents on the 22nd

Our boo-boo baby is growing up...

We've got a thumb-sucker...

Albeit, a beautiful one...

Avery's newest trick... And no, these are not from January of '07;)